September 26, 2024

Action Hero Chuck Norris Launches Lone Wolf Ranch Pets, a Premium Dog Nutrition Brand

Lone Wolf Ranch pet food has officially launched—a new premium dog nutrition brand, offering air-dried, nutrient-rich foods for canines. Founded by Chuck and Gena Norris, Chuck is known for his iconic roles as an action movie star, world champion martial artist and military veteran, this brand reflects another of his passions: his unwavering love for dogs. Chuck and his wife, Gena, have been devoted pet parents to many dogs throughout the years, including several golden retrievers.

Despite their adventurous lifestyle and exceptional care, the Norris dogs once faced common but heartbreaking issues: premature health problems and shortened lifespans.

After dedicating years to careful research, the Norris family pinpointed the root of the problem: many dog foods are made to fill a dog’s stomach — but not to properly nourish them. Determined to help improve their dogs’ health and longevity, Chuck and his family worked tirelessly to create a nutrient-rich diet that reflects what dogs would naturally consume in the wild. As a result, their dogs became healthy, happy and full of energy.

Inspired by their success and driven by a passion for canine health, the Norris family created Lone Wolf Ranch Pets to provide all dogs with the nutrient-rich foods they naturally crave and deserve. Named after their Texas home, Lone Wolf Ranch’s premium dog food is air-dried to preserve the essential nutrients, ensuring your dog receives optimal nutrition for an active, rewarding life. Unlike conventional dog foods cooked at high temperatures, which “can destroy several vital nutrients, including vitamins A, E and B-group vitamins” (Volhard Dog Nutrition), Lone Wolf Ranch’s air-dried approach maintains the highest nutritional integrity.

Lone Wolf Ranch officially launches with its premium product, Power Foods Complete. This high-protein dog food is specially formulated with ranch-raised beef, beef organ meats, beef cartilage and beef marrow, along with microbiome-friendly vegetables and several potent “Power Foods” ingredients. Chuck Norris, known for his commitment to strength and health, knew that these high-quality ingredients would benefit his pets, supporting smooth digestion, robust muscles and a glossy coat.

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