July 30, 2020

American Kennel Club Announces Judging Panel For 2nd AKC Virtual Top Dog Challenge

The American Kennel Club (AKC) has announced the judging panel for the second AKC Virtual Top Dog Challenge. This virtual conformation competition is open to all AKC recognized breeds including Miscellaneous breeds. Entries close on Aug. 10 at 12p.m. ET.

Heading the panel as Best in Show and Best Puppy judge is Dr. Donald Sturz, Jr of Brooklyn, NY.

The entry fee to participate is $25 and a portion of every entry will be donated by AKC to AKC Reunite’s Adopt A K-9 Cop program, which works with AKC Clubs to donate K-9 police dogs to police departments around the United States. This donation will be matched by AKC Reunite. Last month’s event generated a $7,000 donation to Take The Lead.

Entrants can go to AKC.org (AKC.org) under the Sports and Events tab to enter and get instructions on how to upload their video. Dogs can be entered in one of two classes, Puppy (at least 6 months and under 12 months) or Open Class (any entry including CH of record) in the appropriate breed and sex. Entries are limited to 100 dogs per breed and is on a first come, first serve basis. Video submissions for each class will be judged individually and placed 1st -4th. Submissions will be judged by selected dog people with expertise in their respective breeds.

Breed judging will take place Friday, Aug. 14 beginning at 12 p.m. ET through Monday, Aug. 17 at 6 p.m. ET, with breed winners announced on Wednesday, Aug. 19. Group judging will begin on Wednesday, Aug. 19 at 12 p.m. ET and conclude on Friday, Aug. 21 at 12 p.m. ET. Group winners will be announced on Monday, Aug. 24. Best in Show judging will begin on Monday, Aug. 24 and conclude at 12 p.m. ET on Tuesday, Aug. 25. Best in Show will be announced on Wednesday, Aug. 26.

Participants must submit a video that does not exceed 2 minutes in length and must include:

Dog in stack from the front, side and rear
Display of the appropriate oral exam for the breed (front, front/sides, front/sides/open, front/open)
View of the dog gaiting (moving) down and back in a straight line and from the side
Dog presented in free stack
View of dog moving in profile around in a circle

Judges for the seven variety groups and the Miscellaneous Class are:

SPORTING – Mr. Elliott B. Weiss
HOUND – Ms. Celeste M. Gonzalez
WORKING – Mrs. Paula Nykiel
TERRIER – Mr. Wood Wornall
TOY – Miss Evalyn Gregory
NON-SPORTING – Mr. Johnny R. Shoemaker
HERDING – Ms. Linda Robey

For more information about breed judging, including grouping and breed assignments, click here.

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