ASPCA Pet Health Insurance Launches ‘Dogsgiving’ Sweepstakes
The ASPCA Pet Health Insurance program is launching a Dogsgiving giveaway for one winner to be awarded five dog Thanksgiving meals and toys and the opportunity to pick one animal shelter to receive a $10,000 donation from the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance program.
“At ASPCA Pet Health Insurance, we treat our pets like family and want them to join in on the holiday festivities, but Thanksgiving meals and sweet treats are not always safe for them to consume,” said Anna Clarke, Senior Director of Brand Marketing, ASPCA Pet Health Insurance. “We wanted to come up with a way for our dogs to be involved in Thanksgiving traditions safely. Instead of worrying about what to feed your dog to celebrate the holiday, we’ll take care of the meal and provide food made specifically for them along with ample toys. We know not all dogs have a home and a human to celebrate with and we want to also ensure we’re helping with a donation to a shelter of the winner’s choosing.”
The ASPCA Pet Health Insurance program is raising awareness through this giveaway of the increasing veterinary care costs and the importance of pet insurance to help provide the vet care pets need in case of toxic food ingestion, which is common around Thanksgiving. With 42 percent of pet owners saying a vet bill of $999 or less would cause them to go into debt, pet insurance helps to cover the eligible veterinary bill and provides peace of mind if your pet gets injured or sick.
Giveaway Details:
- Prize:
- Five Thanksgiving meals, suitable for dogs, containing a turkey meatloaf, loaded white potatoes, roasted butternut squash, a Gobble Gobble cake and a Thanksgiving cookie.
- Thanksgiving themed toys for each of five furry friends.
- A $10,000 donation to an animal shelter of your choice.
- Dates:
- The giveaway opens on Nov. 6 and ends at 11:59 p.m. EST on Nov. 15, 2023.
- The winner will be selected at random on Nov. 16, 2023.
- Eligibility:
- You must live in the United States (not available in FL, NY or Puerto Rico).
- You must be 18+ in age.
“As a veterinarian, it’s not uncommon to care for pets that become very ill after eating inappropriate foods, either given as treats or those that pets ingested from holiday dinner tables while their owners weren’t looking,” said Wendy Hauser, Special Advisor to the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance program. “We want to ensure your dog is healthy and protected in case this happens this year so they can live a happy, healthy and long life. Providing them with human food that’s less likely to upset their GI system and a few fun toys to distract them from your holiday meal is the perfect way to do so.”
Each year, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center sees an increase in calls of potential pet toxicity related to Thanksgiving meals. If you suspect your pet has been exposed to any hazardous substances, please contact your veterinarian or call the Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435. If your pet has a sensitive stomach or medical conditions that require a specific diet, avoid dietary changes such as introducing new foods or snacks without consulting your veterinarian first.
To view all giveaway terms and conditions and enter for your chance to win, visit the giveaway site. This sweepstakes is not available in Florida, New York or Puerto Rico.