California Non-Profits to Provide Low-Cost Spay and Neutering Services in Kern, Fresno Counties
The Spay Neuter Imperative Project California (SNIP), a nonprofit specializing in mobile, low-cost spay and neuter, announced today that it is teaming with newly-founded Silicon Valley nonprofit, Love Dogs Rescue and Foundation, to bring a 25-foot mobile medical unit to Kern County and Fresno County, California.
Love Dogs purchased a customized medical unit, and the highly trained SNIP vet team will provide low-cost, mobile spay & neuter for dogs and cats to reduce animal overpopulation and offer affordability and accessibility for underserved pet owners.
This new medical unit was made possible by generous donations from various Silicon Valley start-ups and executives to provide creative solutions to shelter overcrowding and alternatives to animal euthanization.
“Many people in Silicon Valley love dogs, but very few know how many go homeless in the Central Valley and elsewhere. We’re raising awareness to galvanize Silicon Valley’s creative energy to eventually end the unnecessary killing of homeless dogs and cats,” said Love Dogs Co-Founder, Stephanie Friedman, a former software executive now startup consultant.
The Love Dogs Mobile Unit will host its first low-cost spay/neuter clinics open to the public on May 2 and May 3 at the Wasco Courthouse in Wasco, CA (810 8th Street). Strict COVID-19 protocol will remain in place to protect clients and the vet team. Appointments will only be accepted prior to the clinic by calling 831-277-0832.
On May 4, the mobile unit will provide spay/neuter services to Wasco Animal Shelter to better their chances of adoption during this difficult time. The need for low-cost spay and neuter is extremely strong in Kern County, evidenced by residents who began lining up at 5 a.m. with their pets during past SNIP clinics.
“Rescue is only a part of the solution. We are working tirelessly to stop the core issue, reproduction of unwanted animals, by making low-cost spay/neuter clinics widely accessible in Kern County,” SNIP Founder, Melanie Scherer said.
A single clinic costs about $3,000 to alter between 26-32 animals. For additional information or to donate, please call 619-316-1362 or visit or Donations by check can be mailed to 67 Front Street, Danville, CA 94526.