Free PSC Webinars Coming Up: Proteins in the Pet Industry
The Pet Sustainability Coalition has a series of free webinars lined up continuing the discussion on sustainable proteins in the pet industry. The first session, previously recorded, can be viewed here.
Protein plays a critical role in pet nutrition yet a true definition of what makes one protein more sustainable than another has been difficult to define.
Feb 10, 2022: Join an in-depth discussion with a panel of experts in nutrition, environmental impact, social impact, and animal welfare. Learn about some of the systemic challenges the pet industry faces as it pursues a sustainable supply chain and what individuals and businesses can do to align their company with PSC’s Four-Factor Framework for sustainable protein sourcing.
March 17, 2022: A group of PSC’s food and treat members gather to discuss the successes and challenges of real businesses as they begin to integrate sustainability into their sourcing strategies.
To register, visit the PSC website.