“I and love and you” Donates More Than 3 Million Meals to Rescue Shelters and Pet Food Banks Nationwide
“I and love and you,” maker of premium, holistic pet food and treats, recently announced a total donation of more than three million meals to-date for animal welfare organizations nationwide including rescue shelters and pet food banks.
Continuing the brand’s mission to deliver high-quality and flavorful nutrition to pets, “I and love and you” has been donating approximately 2,000 meals each month to animals in rescues and shelters nationwide guaranteeing they are being fed high-quality food for a healthy and happy life.
“Here at ‘I and love and you,’ we think of our pets as extensions of ourselves, our furry soulmates and believe it’s of the utmost importance to show love and respect to shelter pets still waiting to find their forever families,” said CEO of “I and love and you” Michael Meyer. “Love is unconditional, and we think it’s important to champion for the approximately 6.3 million dogs and cats enter US animal shelters each year by providing them with the high-quality meals we feed our own pets.”
“I and love and you” has significantly increased meal donations to local organizations and most recently provided more than 100 pallets full of its premium dog and cat food. This massive donation allocated 670,000 meals to the Colorado Pet Pantry, a nonprofit pet food bank where National Hockey League’s Colorado Avalanche mascot Bernie the St. Bernard joined in on the donation day events, 826,000 meals to Regional Center for Animal Care & Protection (RCACP), a pet rescue in Virginia that has housed between 4,000 and 6,000 animals.
“We’ve seen an unbelievable need for supplies and donations as our shelter’s numbers continue to grow following the pandemic,” said Founder & Executive Director of Colorado Pet Pantry, Eileen Lambert. “We want to thank ‘I and love and you’ and the various partners that made these life-changing donations possible from the bottom of our hearts! We hope by seeing the deep impact contributions like this can have, we will help encourage others to keep these deserving organizations top of mind and help provide support where they can.”
“I and love and you” products are available at conventional, natural and traditional grocers nationwide, as well as online at Amazon, Chewy, Thrive and more. For more information, click here.