Leaders Tout Membership in Pet Sustainability Coalition as a High-ROI Option After SuperZoo Cancellation
On the heels this year’s SuperZoo cancellation, pet businesses who may be reassessing how to best invest their time and money into spurring growth in this unprecedented year are encouraged to turn to the Pet Sustainability Coalition (PSC) as it is in the midst of a new campaign beginning in July: Supercharge Sustainability with SuperZoo Savings.
For $2,500 a year, a company can become a Sustainability Advocate, which is the fourth-highest level of Pet Sustainability Coalition membership.
“Consumers are demanding sustainability. Pet businesses have thousands in their budgets for SuperZoo travel, hotels, meals and entertainment. We’re inviting them to take a leadership role as a Sustainability Advocate with their savings,” said Caitlyn Dudas, PSC’s Executive Director.
PSC membership accelerates a company’s sustainability journey. Sustainability can strengthen pet businesses through increased efficiency, decreased supply chain risk, improved consumer loyalty, higher employee satisfaction and productivity, and by fueling innovation.
Other benefits include:
- Tips for attracting environmentally concerned customers
- Networking with vendors and professionals in environmentally friendly packaging and materials
- Methods for turbo-boosting employee morale and commitment
- Tools for measuring and marketing your environmental innovations
- Gaining powerful social and web site content
- Meeting customers inspired by your sustainability advocacy
- Online tools, collaboration with PSC’s team of experts, VIP event status, and much more.
Dozens of articles have surfaced since the COVID-19 pandemic began that show consumer demand for sustainability increasing even further.
“2020 is not the year to be left out of this powerful consumer-driven movement,” said David Yaskulka, CEO of Nature’s Logic who recently invested their SuperZoo savings to upgrade their PSC membership.
To learn more about PSC membership click here.