PEDIGREE Foundation Grants Applications Due April 30
PEDIGREE Foundation is now accepting grant applications from animal shelters and rescue organizations across the country for its 2020 cycle. The Foundation plans to give up to $750,000 in annual grants, along with other funds awarded through Hallmark Channel’s American Rescue Dog Show, as well as disaster relief grants. Applications for its annual grant cycle will be accepted through April 30, 2020.
“The goal of our grant program is to help improve the quality of care dogs receive in shelters and increase adoption rates by supporting new, out-of-the-box innovative adoption programs and existing initiatives,” said Deb Fair, Executive Director of PEDIGREE Foundation. “Everything we do is to help dogs find their forever families, and it’s inspiring to be able to help these organizations support our common purpose of working to end pet homelessness and having a huge impact on these dogs’ lives.”
Since it started in 2008, PEDIGREE Foundation has given more than 5,500 grants, totaling more than $8 million, to people and organizations that help further their mission of finding forever homes for adoptable dogs.
Key Focus Areas for 2020
This year, PEDIGREE Foundation is prioritizing the following programs, which are greatly increasing adoption rates across the animal welfare community:
- Transport programs designed to support efforts to move animals from areas of overpopulation to areas with more demand for pet adoption
- Matching programs designed to increase the likelihood that shelter dogs will bond with their adopters, including behavior training or other programs to help find the best fit for dogs and potential adopters
- Foster programs that utilize temporary housing in the interest of getting more dogs adopted
To support our focus on transport, matching and foster programs, the Foundation will not fund capital campaign requests this year.
All applicants must have a current 501(c)(3) tax designation status with shelters or rescues operating in the US to submit an application.
To apply for a 2020 grant, learn more about PEDIGREE Foundation or donate to help us find more forever homes for dogs in need, please visit PEDIGREEFoundation.org.