September 18, 2020 Releases Results of Reader Survey Regarding Covid-19 Pandemic has released the results of its latest reader survey, which identifies pet parents’ feelings and concerns during the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey covered three topics: separation anxiety, economic hardship, and preparation for the future.

“The pandemic threw so many of us for a loop, but as pet people, we felt that not all of it was gloom and doom. We’ve so enjoyed having this extra time with our pets,” said Hilary Young, Director of Brand Strategy for “Within our office, however, we felt like we were in a bubble. So, we decided to start a conversation with our audience to see how they’ve been navigating this strange time. The results were really interesting, and sometimes heartbreaking.”

Compiled from a survey sent out to PetPlace readers in July 2020, more than 300 responses showed 29 percent feeling prepared to go back to the workplace, while 31 percent planned to work from home indefinitely. Of those answering the survey, 24 percent said they were concerned about their pet experiencing separation anxiety. While pet parents have been dealing with the uncertainty of the future, 70 percent of respondents said they loved the time spent with their companion animals during the stay-at-home order. A summary of the survey results are now available on the website with a corresponding infographic.

“Despite the roller coaster of uncertainty during this pandemic, we were really heartened to see how many people have discovered a newfound gratitude and appreciation for their furry friends,” said Young.

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