SodaPup Partners with Susan G. Komen Foundation
SodaPup Founder and CEO, Adam Baker, announced SodaPup is joining forces with the Susan G. Komen Foundation to raise money for a cure for breast cancer.
“We all know someone who has been touched by breast cancer, or worse, we know someone who has died from it,” Baker said. “That’s why SodaPup has partnered with the Susan G. Komen Foundation to raise money for a cure. 30 percent of all sales of our small and large Flower Power emat lick mats will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation during the month of October,” Baker continued.
SodaPup will also be launching a #lickbreastcancer social media campaign to drive awareness of the fundraising effort.
SodaPup specializes in the design, development, sales and marketing of innovative American made molded products including rubber dog toys, nylon dog toys, TPE dog toys, lick mats and other feeding systems. SodaPup is committed to the development of high quality, American-made products that are innovative, safe and environmentally friendly.