March 13, 2019

Treatibles named ‘Vendor of the Year’ by VSI

On March 5, 2019 Treatibles was honored with a “Vendor of the Year” award by Veterinary Service, Inc. (VSI), a leading distributor of animal health products. The award was presented at VSI’s annual trade show in San Diego, California.

“We are delighted to recognize Treatibles as our ‘Vendor of the Year,’” said Amanda Matchett of VSI. “Treatibles was chosen based on year-over-year growth in both topline sales as well as margin and how the company has contributed to the expansion of VSI’s offering in new product segments,” Matchett said. “We also take into account the ease of doing business and how together we continue to strengthen our partnership,” she added.

VSI began distributing Treatibles’ line of full-spectrum hemp oil products for pets in 2017, helping position the brand in nearly 50 retail stores.

“We truly appreciate being named ‘Vendor of the Year,’” said Jennifer Hamm, Treatibles’ Sales Director. “From day one, working with VSI has been productive. The systems they have in place, coupled with their outstanding communication, makes this partnership an absolute pleasure,” Hamm said.


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