March 29, 2022

Helen Woodward Animal Center Donations Exceed $174,000 in Support of Ukrainians and Pets

The Helen Woodward Animal Center has announced that as of March 28, $174,427 in aid has been gifted for the purpose of supporting the Ukrainian people and their animals in the ongoing war with Russia.

On March 10, the Center pledged $50,000 to Ukrainian animal welfare efforts with a heartfelt plea to local animal-lovers to match the pledge for a total of $100,000 in assistance. In less than one week, the request to match the Center’s $50,000 pledge surpassed $67,000. Famous Center friends like Academy Award winning actress Diane Keaton and social media-famous kitten Smush shared Helen Woodward Animal Center’s campaign on social media with millions of followers and the donations began coming in. At the time of this announcement, the animal-loving community has donated more than $124,000, totaling nearly $175,000 with the Center’s original gift.

Helen Woodward Animal Center has facilitated the transfer of these funds to both Ukrainian refugee pet owners, as well as shelters in need within Ukraine through both Tallinn City Government Chief Specialist Hellika Landsmann from the Estonia Animal Welfare Society and General Secretary TOZ Danuta Mikusz-Oslislo from the Polish Society for The Protection of Animals. Both are communicating with associates from UAnimals, a non-profit Ukrainian animal rights organization, working valiantly to help struggling animal welfare groups trapped in war-torn areas, as well as the pets of the Ukrainian refugees who are arriving in Poland, Latvia and Estonia with little more than a single suitcase and their furry friends.

This weekend, Geit Karurahu from Estonia Animal Welfare Society reported the following: “Yesterday, we transferred half of the donation to UAnimals. The other half we used for shelter animals who need saving from Ukraineand for pets who have fled from Ukraine with their owners. We are working together with Lithuanian organizations to agree that their country will let animals in and they will keep the animals in quarantine. We will help them pay the transport, vaccinations and so on. Our Agriculture and Food Board are visiting pets who have fled here and we let them know that if the animals need more vaccinations or other help that we will help them pay the bill.”

Along with the updates, photos have been sent from both the Estonia and Polish animal welfare groups to show the set up at the border sites along with distribution areas to help Ukrainian pet-owners in need. Helen Woodward Animal Center is dedicated to sending more in the way of financial support as long at donations continue to come in.

“It is important that donors understand that 100 percent of everything we have received has been sent directly to support the Ukrainian animal crisis,” explained Helen Woodward Animal Center President and CEO Mike Arms. “The Center is even covering the cost of any bank fees charged in the wiring of funds so that animal-lovers donating to this cause can rest assured that their money is being utilized to assist with relief efforts and to ensure that loving pets are provided food, warmth and medical attention.”

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