The Bow Wow Buddies Foundation Helps 110 Dogs in By Granting Nearly $100,00 to Date in 2020
The Bow Wow Buddies Foundation closes 2020 with granting nearly $100,000 to cover the cost of urgent medical care for sick and injured dogs. The Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization of Camp Bow Wow, the largest and leading doggy day care and boarding franchise, gave a new “leash” on life to 110 deserving dogs across 39 states who were either homeless or whose parents could not afford to pay their veterinary bills.
Experiencing a 150 percent increase in grant applications as compared to 2019, the Bow Wow Buddies Foundation strongly responded to the heightened need for the financial assistance from families, rescue groups and animal shelters. Successfully increasing the total number of dog medical grants year-over-year, the Foundation activated a series of meaningful fundraisers to support the influx of requests.
One of the Foundation’s recent philanthropic initiatives, “Step Up For Pups,” was a virtual walking challenge that encouraged participants to help save the life of a dog in need by simply walking their own four-legged friend. Providing a safe and fun format to raise donations in partnership with WoofTrax , the fundraiser saw more than 1 million miles walked by more than 8,500 participants. Pet parents nationwide also were rewarded fun prizes throughout the challenge from Camp Bow Wow and sponsors including Rise Brewing Co., Nancy’s Pampered Pet Treats, Applaws Taste Toppers, Fur Pete’s Sake Apparel, K Squared Artisan Boutique, Art From Energy, Tall Tails, Good Boy Goodies and more.
“We started the Bow Wow Buddies Foundation because happy and healthy dogs are at the core of our franchise’s mission, and it’s been inspiring to see how our committed community has stepped up during this difficult year to support our cause,” said Julie Turner, President of Camp Bow Wow. “Our ability to help so many dogs in need during 2020 is a testament to the strong network our Foundation has built for those who share a passion for giving back and raising funds for imperative veterinary care that pet parents or shelters would otherwise not be able to provide.”
Lending a paw to dogs in need throughout the year, the Foundation also hosted several impressive seasonal fundraisers that helped give furry loved ones a second chance at life. From #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving wherein the Foundation raised more than $8,000, a 25 percent increase from 2019, to more than $6,000 in donations through various holiday initiatives, the funds went towards emergency, life-saving medical attention.
This year, one the Bow Wow Buddies Foundation grants helped Stella, a 3-year-old boxer mix in the Grand Rapids, MI area. Without warning, Stella went into anaphylactic shock and was rushed to the emergency vet, where she was hospitalized for several days while being treated for a heart murmur. A grant from the Foundation helped cover the lifesaving care that her pet parent could not afford, and Stella has successfully recovered and returned playing with her other four-legged friends. Stella is just one of more than 100 pups who the Bow Wow Buddies Foundation was able to help this year.
Established in 2015, the Bow Wow Buddies Foundation has been a lifeline that can ease the financial burdens of treating a dog in need and has helped save more than 550 dogs with more than $650k awarded in grants. Through the Foundation’s ongoing fundraising initiatives on behalf of dogs like Stella, whose medical treatments are essential to their survival, Camp Bow Wow will sustain their strong momentum and continue to secure meaningful results for the Foundation in 2021.
To learn more about the Bow Wow Buddies Foundation, or apply for a grant, click here. For more information about Camp Bow Wow, to find a location near you, or to become a franchise owner, click here.